Below are frequently asked questions, you may find the answer for yourself!

1. Good quality equipment has high hardness, high temperature resistance, and the surface gloss is polished and has a certain thickness of metal.

2. Built-in fume purification equipment and fan can absorb soot faster, effectively reduce the temperature of the device plus the thermal conductivity of the device itself, so as to avoid hot meals when guests eat.

3. The detachability of the equipment, the purpose is that the equipment that has been used for a long time will accumulate a lot of soot stains, and the exhaust equipment will also block differently. In order to avoid such a situation, the user will remove it for cleaning after a period of use. Such a device does not smell the smell of soot around it. Consumers can be assured of teppanyaki food.

After the teppanyaki equipment is used, after the temperature drops to 30 degrees-50 degrees, a small amount of salad oil is placed on the table top, and the brightness is displayed with a scouring pad. The teppanyaki will be bright after the next week. After the surface of the teppanyaki equipment has been cleaned, apply a small amount of salad oil to protect the countertop.

The operation of teppanyaki equipment is simple, clean and safe. Gas-fired equipment is more cost-effective and requires a higher level of cook handling.

Four ways:

1. The exhaust pipe is connected to the outside, to the top of the building or directly discharged;

2. The exhaust pipe is connected to the ceiling layer and discharged to the pipe well or the main exhaust pipe;

3. The exhaust pipe extends to the lower layer of the ceiling to discharge to the pipe well or the main exhaust pipe;

4. The exhaust pipe is extended to the upper level of the pipe and discharged to the pipe well or the main exhaust pipe.

1. Open the main door with the key provided by the device, that is, enter the electric control box of the device.

2. Turn off and confirm that the power of the Teppanyaki equipment is off.

3. Use a screwdriver to loosen the fixing screws of the plate.

4. Carefully pull out the filter and the plates. Be careful not to use too much force to avoid damage to the components on the plates and plates.

5. Inject hot water into the pre-prepared cleaning container until it is seven minutes. Equipped with plate cleaning solution.

6. Soak the electrode plate in the cleaning solution. When cleaning for the first time, it is recommended that the soaking time should not exceed 10 minutes. If the plate is too dirty, the soaking time can be extended appropriately.

7. Remove the soaked plates from the water, air dry, or dry them with a tool that does not exceed 100 degrees.

8. Wipe the inside of the purifier with a cotton cloth and clean up the debris. Such as around the purifier, around the oil drain hole and so on.

9. Put the air-dried plate back into the purifier as it is when the plate is extracted. Tighten the screw with the equipped handle, or close the electric control box and purifier with the handle lock and lock the door lock.

Note: Do not open the lampblack purifier during power-on, which is dangerous to high voltage.

Yes. Contact us and we will customize it according to your needs.

Yes, this depends on the number of orders you order.

The production cycle of teppanyaki is 7-15 working days, and the production cycle of pizza oven and grilled fish stove is 15-30 working days.

The specific production time depends on the number of products.

First of all, we have 20 years of manufacturing experience. We have a strict quality control system in the production process. Each finished product is tested several times before the package is inspected. The products we have sold so far have been well received by customers, and the failure rate is almost zero.

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